Some words of performance experienced in 2017...

Tales of awesomazing impressions

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Hermann Hesse’s 1927 novel Steppenwolf, much reviled and much beloved, is the inspiration for this production.

As in the novel, this work is based on the desire to grasp the complexity of human beings and what it means to exist. By bringing an existential and sensuous exploration of humankind’s past, present and future into the theatrical space of live performance, director and actor Espen Klouman Høiner, co-creators and collaborators seek to evoke emotions and sensory experiences that go beyond the narrative and drama of the text itself. This experimental approach puts the power relations between actors, literature and theater space into play and holds the potential to challenge the actors to navigate between different realities.

In their new production, The only way is UP, Boris and Jonas portray four main characters at various key moments in their lives: as a child, an adolescent, a young adult, and then in their thirties, forties and fifties. They do not lead especially spectacular lives, but do quite ordinary things th...